Wednesday, May 4, 2011

One and done? Nope.

Last year I signed up for the NYC Marathon with the intention of doing one and being done. What I didn't expect, and what I wrote about here and here, is what a great and fun experience it would be. Sure my legs were sore for a day or so and there was a few moments around mile 22 that I seriously questioned my sanity, but despite that it was an amazing thing to be a part of....which is I why I've decided to run again!

Unfortunately, I didn't win a spot in the race through the lottery so have decided to run again with Team Hole in the Wall, the same charity I signed up with last year -- actually, even had I gotten a number from the lottery I would have joined the team anyway. As I wrote about last year, Team Hole in the Wall is a fantastic organization that supports camps where children with serious, life threatening illness can spend time being kids at no financial cost to them or their parents.

Like last year, in order to run I must first meet my fundraising goal of $3000. If you are one of the many who supported me last year I hope you'll do so again this year, but if you weren't able to before I hope you'll consider making a donation this time around. Yes it will help me get on this year's course but, more importantly, you will be helping so many deserving children. Please visit my donation homepage and show your support today (there is also a link there for a off-line donation form if you prefer to contribute that way).

Thank you for your support!


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